Victoria Legal Aid
We can assist you to apply for a grant of Victoria Legal Aid Funding
Victoria Legal Aid offer grants of legal assistance pursuant to Legal Aid Act 1978. As such, Victoria Legal Aid have a series of guidelines and tests that must be met in order for a person to be eligible for a grant of legal assistance.
If you are seeking to be funded by a grant of legal assistance, a lawyer at our office is able to complete a Grants of legal assistance - Guide and application form with you in your intitial consultation with our office.
Matters that VLA offer legal assistance for are:
Parenting arrangements concerning substantive issues
Child Protection Proceedings concerning Protection Applications made by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Recovery Orders (in the event children have been withheld from spending time)
Youth crime
Matters that VLA do not offer legal assistance for are:
Airport Watchlist Orders (if there are no other issues in dispute)
Preparation and filing of consent orders only
Change of name applications
Complex Financial Matters & Property Settlements
Please be aware that if you seek to apply for a grant of legal assistance you may be required to provide documents and sensitive information upon request of our office.
Victoria Legal Aid
Information about Grants of Legal Assistance
This will depend on
Your financial situation using a means test
What your case is about
The benefit you are likely to get from your legal case.
Not always. This will depend on your financial situation.
The means test applies to most adults and considers:
Money you get from work, welfare benefits or other sources.
If you own anything of value, like a house or a car.
Your weekly living expenses.
The means test also looks at whether you support anyone else, or if they support you. Your partner's income and assets are usually included when legal aid assess if you are eligible for a grant.
There is a limit on how much Victoria Legal Aid will pay on your case. You should check with your lawyer.
Victoria Legal Aid may stop or change your legal assistance if you do not follow the terms and conditions of your grant or the advice of your lawyer.