Divorce & Separation
Divorce is the formal, legal ending of a marriage.
Australia has a ‘no-fault’ divorce policy, meaning that those applying for divorce only need to satisfy the Court that the marriage has irreparably broken down, and that there is no reasonable chance that the parties to the marriage will recommence living as a married couple again in the future; as evidenced by 12 months of separation.
To apply for a divorce, you need to meet a few other criteria. Our Family Law team can assist you to discern whether you are eligible to apply for a Divorce Order, prepare your Divorce Application, and file it with the Court on your behalf. Parties to a marriage can apply jointly, or one party can apply independently of the other, to initiate Divorce proceedings with the Court.
Speak to one of our lawyers about which type of Divorce Application and your eligibility by calling our office on 03 9600 2300.