Cathleen Corridon


Completing her Bachelor of Arts/Law (LLB/BA) at Melbourne University in 1982, Cathleen was admitted to practice in 1984. Cathleen worked for several years in a large commercial law practice before specialising in Family Law, in which she had practiced predominatly since.

Cathleen has a Graduate Diploma in Family Law Studies from Monash University and is a Law Institute of Victoria Accredited Specialist in Children’s Law. Cathleen worked in the Family Law division at Victoria Legal Aid for a number of years before establishing Cathleen Corridon Family Lawyers. She is a member of the Victoria Legal Aid Children’s Court Duty Lawyer Panel and the Independent Children’s Lawyer Panel at the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. An experienced advocate, Cathleen appears on behalf of clients, parents, and children in Court on an almost daily basis and also has a large Independent Children’s Lawyer practice.

Cathleen has worked for Monash University as a supervisor in the Clinical Training Program and has also worked for the Leo Cussen Institute as a Clinical Trainee Supervisor and has instructed students in many different areas of the law. Cathleen is a member of the Law Institute of Victoria and the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia. She is also on the Law Institute of Victoria’s Children’s Law Advisory Committee. Cathleen leads a dedicated team of lawyers and paralegals.